About Me

Join me as I explore my crazy life as a happily married, work-at-home, homeschooling Christian mom to 4 incredible children. The up's, down's and in-betweens- chronicled here for your enjoyment!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wacky Wednesday

I realized after a summer of sleeping in that by the end of the day I haven't accomplished much. So, I decided to make a list of what I did today. Here it is:
-Woke up at 10:15am
-Made my bed
-Worked for 3 hours
-Cleaned the kitchen
-Did 4 loads of laundry (and still going)
-Picked and ate blackberries
-Put dinner in the oven
-Took a shower with Hubby
-Cleaned up from dinner
-Worked on the blog

Doesn't look like much huh? I think working at home robs me of time and I don't even realize it. It doesn't help that my job directly involves the internet. Don't get me wrong- I am so incredibly blessed to have the job that I do- but before I know it, it is lunch time and I haven't done anything around the house except make my bed. How many of us have said we were just going to check our email and next thing we know an hour has gone by?

I have some goals when school starts back up next week. I have slept in almost every day this summer, and I have to quit! I KNOW I need to get to bed sooner, but I have the hardest time actually doing it. I really need to be a more scheduled person!

So this is the plan-
-Get up at 6:00am
Life Journal until 6:20am
Exercise from 6:20am-6:40am
-Wake Girly Girl to get ready for school 6:45am
-Jump in shower and get ready for the day 6:45- 7:15am
-Wake up rest of the kids & get breakfast ready 7:15am
-Eat breakfast and do
Family Devotions 7:25am-7:45am
-Take Girly Girl to school 7:50am
-Finish getting Doodle Bug & Little Bean ready for school 8:00am-8:30am
-Take Doodle to school 8:35am
-Come home and get Jordo started on
Homeschooling 8:50am
-Clean up kitchen from breakfast and throw a load of laundry in
-Have Little Bean do some pre-learning activities
-Get started working 9:30am & periodically check on Jordo's school progress
-Finish up working 11:45am
-Get lunch ready 11:55am
-Clean up lunch and make sure Little Bean is ready for Kindergarten
-Take Little Bean to school 12:30pm
-Either run errands or go home and do more housework
-Work more 1:00pm-2:00pm
-Mom time- check work, Internet, etc...
-Girly Girl gets home from school 2:50pm
-Get Doodle and Little Bean from school 3:00pm
-Do after school snacks 3:15pm
-Assign chores for each child 3:45pm
-Straighten up house before Hubs comes home
-Do whatever chores still need done
dinner started 4:30pm
-Eat & clean-up from dinner 5:15-6:00pm
-Help with homework, etc..
-Family time and/or bath time 6:45-7:45pm
-Brush teeth, bedtime routines 7:45-8:00pm
-Pray together as a family 8:00pm
-TV time/Reading time 8:00-8:30pm
-Kids bedtime 8:30pm
-Mommy/Daddy time 8:30-9:30pm
-Hubs goes to sleep 9:30pm
-Check work 9:30-10:00pm
-Teeth brushed, etc...
--My bedtime--10:00pm

Sound reasonable? Wish me luck!

One Word Meme
I saw this most recently over at
Living To Tell the Story, and floating around Blogville, so I thought I'd give it a try.
1. Where is your mobile phone? bed
2. Relationship? Best
3. Your hair? Desperate
4. Work? Constantly
5. Your sister(s)? Kristy
6. Your favorite thing? Hugs
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? Pepsi
9. Your dream car? Lexus
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom
11. Your shoes? Barefoot
12. Your fears? Unknown
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Joyful
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Parents
15. What are you not good at? Confrontation
16. Muffin? nah
17. Wish list item? House
18. Where you grew up? Tehachapi
19. The last thing you did? Blackberries
20. What are you wearing? Shorts
21. What are you not wearing? make-up
22. Your pet? Precious
23. Your computer? Laptop
24. Your life? Crazy
25. Your mood? Average
26. Missing? Sleep
27. What are you thinking about? Shower
28. Your car? Windstar
29. Your kitchen? Clean
30. Your summer? Mild
31. Your favorite color? Yellow
32. Last time you laughed? Yesterday
33. Last time you cried? Sunday
34. School? Home
35. Love? Forever

Now I tag you! If you're playing along be sure to let me know so I can come visit!

Tiring Tuesday

Today I was supposed to pick my older kids up from camp. They have been gone since Friday morning. I was to make a 1 1/2 hour drive to get them along with 5 of the 12 other campers-sounds fun huh? Well, it didn't work out (thank you Lord- I mean, I love my kids but really? Does anyone really want to ride in the car for an hour and a half with tired, hyper and smelly pre-teens? Enough said). The youngest, Little Bean has a raging ear infection. Of course, no one would know that as she struts around in her panties and "bra" (big sissy's sports bra) saying she looks like the ladies on the commercials. Nice to know that while we monitor our television viewing, the commercials are corrupting them.

So, my good friend Netter went instead. We traded cars since hers wouldn't fit everyone. She drives a lovely little sedan with a window in the ceiling as Doodlebug calls it. Doodle and Little Bean begged me to open it. Now- today was a beautiful day in the Pacific NW. Sun, hardly a cloud in the sky. So, I go against my better judgement and open it. As my curly/frizzy hair is being sucked up through the window in the ceiling my beautiful 5 and 7 year old daughters have their windows down and are waving at people while yelling "Hola Peeps." Lovely. I finally got tired of trying to drive one handed while holding my "
finger in a light socket" hair down, so I closed the sun roof. Enough fun for one day, I say!

Anyway, the older kids Jordo (13) & Girly Girl (12) got home from camp safe and sound. They had a blast and told us a little bit about it. This camp is an amazing camp that really preaches the truth. I am anxious to hear over the next several days what they learned about the Lord, and to see them walk it out. I am so proud of them!

Well, it is late and I am REALLY trying to get in the back to school routine of going to bed earlier. Guess I will have to start tomorrow night.

Adios Peeps!